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Book one workshop, or an entire series! We supply learning tools, foster a structured creative environment, and teach through a safe and inclusive lens. Don't forget to check EdExplore for applicable grants! 

Moving thru Math
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    Dancing Digits
Grades 2/3

     Fluency-adding & subtracting


There's no greater joy than watching students laugh as they work together to solve math problems and demonstrate place value with their bodies – in fact, it’s so fun, that they often forget they’re doing math! Through playful activities, students will explore digits along with the dance elements' shapes and levels. They’ll solve addition and subtraction problems using their bodies, demonstrating the solution and noting a number line, and place value.


Lesson 1

Number line – least to greatest

Lesson 2

Fluency- adding and subtracting 2- and 3-digit numbers

Lesson 3

Place Value


  Lessons can be scheduled individually or as a package

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2 & 3D Shapes
Grades K-2 

Circle! Square! Cone! Sphere! In this workshop, students explore the dance elements shapes, and levels. Then, through engaging and fun creative movement activities students will create 2D and 3D shapes using props and their bodies!


This workshop only requires one lesson.


Fraction - Action
Grades 3-5

Students explore the dance elements  size and shape, demonstrating the following math concepts through movement:

  • Equivalent fractions

  • Differentiating greater or less than

  • The correlation between fractions and decimals


Lesson 1

Students will be able to identify equivalent fractions and create a fraction dance

Lesson 2

Students will develop an understanding of the relationship between decimals and fractions

Lesson 3

Students will represent least to greatest, including fractions and decimals using a human number line


Lessons can be scheduled individually or as a package


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Moving thru Science

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Animal Classifications

Life Cycles 

Students will explore the drama element tableau and the dance element energy. By the end of lesson 2 students will be able to demonstrate the animal classification through tableau and movement.



Lesson 1

Through creative movement activities students explore the dance elements BEST: Body, Energy, Shapes, and Time.

Lesson 2

Students will create tableau to demonstrate their understanding of the different animal classifications.

Students will learn about life cycles through the use of movement and their bodies. This lesson has been adapted for all grade levels. Options include the life cycle of a bean plant, butterfly, water cycle, or exploring incomplete/complete metamorphosis.


Lesson 1

Through creative movement activities students explore the dance elements BEST: Body, Energy, Shapes, and Time.

Lesson 2

Students create dances to demonstrate their understanding of the science-chosen concept.

Parts of a Plant and their function

Students will explore the drama element tableau and the dance element energy. They will create a tableau

(frozen picture) of each plant part, then through a short movement phrase they will demonstrate the function of the plant.


Lesson 1:

Through creative movement activities students explore the dance elements BEST: Body, Energy, Shapes, and Time.


Lesson 2:

Students will create a tableau demonstrating the different parts of a plant and their function. 

Grants are available through EdExploresrq!

Grade 6


This lesson is on the structure of the earth's atmosphere. Participants relate concepts of layering,

air density, and particles to the dance concepts of level, kinesphere, and shape.


Lesson 1

Through creative movement activities students explore the dance elements BEST: Body, Energy, Shapes, and Time. Students will explore the shrinking wall activity!


Lesson 2

Students will relate the shrinking wall activity to the air density of the four levels of the

atmosphere, and will finish preparation for the Sphere’s Density Dance.

Atmosphere- Density Dance



PreSchool Offerings

Why use Arts Integration with preschool curriculum?


 Arts integration combines the arts—singing and making music, dancing, role-playing, and storytelling—with subjects like math, science, and reading. Infusing the arts into core curriculum encourages the students to practice creativity and infuses joy into learning!



Grants are not yet available for PreSchool Offerings 

Professional Development

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MotionLabSRQ provides engaging and insightful professional development workshops tailored for both teachers and teaching artists. Our workshops focus on incorporating engaging dance and drama strategies into various curricular areas.


PreK - 5

PreSchool Offerings

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Why use Arts Integration with preschool curriculum?


 Arts integration combines the arts—singing and making music, dancing, role-playing, and storytelling—with subjects like math, science, and reading. Infusing the arts into core curriculum encourages the students to practice creativity and infuses joy into learning!


Creative Movement and Language Arts


Lesson 1:

Through creative movement activities, students learn the dance elements BEST: Body, Energy, Shapes, and Time. Students create movements to keywords from the story.


As the book is read aloud, students use movement to enhance their story retelling, gestures to dramatize repetition, and sounds to amplify key moments.


Lesson 2:

Through Creative movement activities, students explore organizational language by creating an obstacle course they help create by retelling the story of Rosie’s Walk.



Shows an understanding of words and their meanings 


Lesson 1 Benchmark A:

Demonstrates understanding of age-appropriate vocabulary across many topic areas and demonstrates a wide variety of words and their meanings within each area (e.g., world knowledge, names of body parts and feelings).


Lesson 2 Benchmark B:

Demonstrates understanding of functional and organizational language (e.g., same, and different, in front of and behind, next to, opposite, below) in multiple environments



Creative Movement and Science


Students will learn about life cycles using movement and their bodies. Options include the life cycle of a bean plant, butterfly, or the water cycle.


Lesson 1:

Through creative movement activities students explore the dance elements BEST: Body, Energy, Shapes, and Time.


Lesson 2:

Using the dance elements shapes and levels, students will create dances to demonstrate their understanding of the science-chosen concept



Scientific Inquiry domain - Life Science


Lessons 1 & 2 Benchmark C:

Understands that all living things grow, change, and go through life cycles



Creative Movement and Math


Lesson 1:

In this workshop, students explore the dance elements shapes, and levels. Then, through engaging and fun creative movement activities students will create 2D shapes using props and their bodies!


*This workshop only requires one lesson


Grants are available through EdExploresrq!

Professional Development
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